​​The Anglican Parish of Bramble Bay
St. Peter the Fisherman Church
(Clontarf, Margate & Woody Point)
​​"Our parish mission is to join with people in their journey of life and faith
and to encourage their relationships with God and each other."

​The Anglican Parish of Bramble Bay is the Anglican Church for the townships of Clontarf, Margate & Woody Point. People who gather for worship at the Anglican Church of St Peter Fisherman enjoy the fellowship of a family church in a peaceful residential setting. The unique church building, designed in the style of a Queenslander home, was consecrated 20 years ago. And the grounds, complete with front and rear car parks and beautiful gardens, make the church a pleasure to attend.
The congregation practices traditional worship and Small groups, such as Tuesday Bible Study, Bible Discussion Group, Women's Group, MU, Meditation Group, as well as the Ladies Guild and the Evening Guild help strengthen both spiritual and fellowship characteristics of the parish.

St. Peter the Fisherman Anglican Church
We hope to have the chance to welcome you
to one of our services soon.
The Anglican Parish of Bramble Bay is the Anglican Church for the townships of Clontarf, Margate & Woody Point. Originally the parish consist of two centres: St. Mark's Woody Point and St. Barnabas' Clontarf. In 1991 it was decide that a new worship centre be built on the land left to the parish by Miss Lillian Isles. Following the sale of both St Mark's and St. Barnabas' the parish of Bramble Bay was formed with one worship centre . At the AGM held at St Mark's on the 9th February 1992 a ballard of suggested names, from parishioners and parish organisations, for the new worship centre was held. This resulted in the name "St. Peter the Fisherman" being selected by popular choice. On the 13th June 1993 the first service was held at the new church and on the 2nd July 1993 the church was dedicated by the Archbishop The Most Reverend Peter Hollingworth. On Sunday the 30th June 1996, the Archbishop was officiant and preacher at the Consecration service for the church. On the 30th June 2013 the parish celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Dedication of the church with a service conducted by Bishop Jonathan Holland, Bishop of the Northern Region and a Dinner was held at the Bramble Bay Bowls Club on the 29th June at which the Reverend John Clarkson, who was the current Rector in 1993, was guest speaker.
People who gather for worship enjoy the fellowship of a family church in a peaceful residential setting. The unique church building, designed in the style of a Queenslander home, and the grounds, complete with front and rear car parks and beautiful gardens, make the church a pleasure to attend.
The congregation practices traditional worship and small groups, such as Tuesday Bible Study, Women's Group, MU, Meditation Group, as well as the Ladies Guild and the Evening Guild help strengthen both spiritual and fellowship characteristics of the parish.
Anglican Parish of Bramble Bay

20th Anniversary Celebrations